Twice in recent months my blog has been linked from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe (This link is not safe for work; NSFW). The homepage is a bizarre amalgamation of disparate information including: neuroscience, technology, conspiracy theory, finance, politics, and soft-core porn. And I got a LOT of hits from his site, probably 5 times the amount I normally get. So I wanted to know more about who this was, and why people read his page. Apparently, J. Orlin Grabbe has his PhD from Harvard in some sort of high finance, and he published a book on international finance. He also wrote for a conspiracy magazine for a while in the 90's and IMDB lists him in a TV movie about Ruby Ridge. He also might have been the manager of a financial cryptography scheme called the Digital Monetary Trust. And he presently lives in Costa Rica. If you know more or otherwise about Mr Orlin Grabbe, I encourage you to post. And in an effort to play to my audience I'll try to find an article about Eris, conspiracy, or finance to write about later this week.
Posted by Mitch at 9:21
Labels: Hail Eris
Anonymous said...
All you need to do to get the "lowdown" on Grabbe is do a Google search.
For instance: ""Orlin Grabbe" foster" will get over 500 hits.
Here's three:
"60 Minutes" transcript:
Grabbe taught at Warton:
The conspiracies:
Don't be so lazy.
September 24, 2007 10:12 PM
Mitch said...
Brilliant, Google, who would've thought of that. Oh yeah me, that's where the info I did post came from. Thanks for the tip though, I'll go back in time to 2001 and let myself know about "google" before I discover it. ... Alright I'm back and apparently I didn't believe me and continued using Yahoo! until 2002.
I mean I even linked to the conspiracies in my post, and you are calling me lazy? Smoove.
In any event what I am hoping for is that the people that read my blog from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe would post why they get their linkage from his site.
September 24, 2007 10:56 PM
Anonymous said...
what difference does it make? Grabbe has an excellent website and puts a lot of effort into whatever he of my top favorites, I visit daily!
September 25, 2007 12:19 AM
Mitch said...
You're right anonymous it doesn't make a difference, I am just curious. I too am visiting daily now,
September 25, 2007 7:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Mitch wrote:
"In any event what I am hoping for is that the people that read my blog from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe would post why they get their linkage from his site."
JOG is unique. He used to have a webpage in his own name,
which has since been taken over by Zionists.
JOG informs, he challenges, he broadens, that is why I turn to him almost as if it is a magical ritual.
So if I ended up at your rather arcane blog, at least compared to what average person is interested in, then you may be assured that the MAN found something of value.
I wonder, sometimes, just who he really is and will he ever tell us about himself. It would be like meeting Crowley, Otto Rahn, and De Sade in one.
September 25, 2007 10:58 AM
Mitch said...
High praise indeed!
September 25, 2007 12:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Check out this link, and others of Mr. Grabbe's interesting writings linked from the top of his homepage, for still another perspective on this unusual, multifaceted person.
September 25, 2007 1:13 PM
yobar said...
I first ran into Grabbe's material thanks to it being forwarded via the Conspiracy Theory Research List and started reading it because of his inclusion of the Astronomy Picture of the Day. I continue to read it because of his interesting link collection's mix of brain, spiritual, astrophysics, and bizarro articles. I even like the fractal and titty pix.
September 27, 2007 12:59 AM
anonymous too said...
As much as I find pasadena memories interesting this jog memoir has always provided added inspiration :
September 27, 2007 4:36 AM
Anonymous said...
I first knew Orlin as a young child in West Texas, youngest of three brothers each of unusual and strong personality and intelligence. No hint of things to come but an extraordinary mother (didn't know the father). His origins are humble but clearly nurtured a most fascinating intelligence and we are all the better for it. I visit his site daily and am very grateful for this alternative take on the events of the world in which we live where misinformation rules the day and no one speaks truth to power.
We share the Pasadena experience.
His former minister's former wife
September 27, 2007 10:04 AM
Anonymous said...
Does anybody know anyting about JOG's links to the Diabolicrats who infiltrated the Dallas Freemasons in the 1990s but were exposed and kicked out by the Scottish Rite?
September 30, 2007 12:15 PM
Anonymous said...
JOG is the best friend Zionism has ever had. But this isn't his intent. Smart as he is about some things, and clever as he can be about others, he doesn't seem to have bothered to do much objective research about the history of the Hebrew people, nor about the whole concept of Zionism. But overall he manages to focus the ideas of Heidegger, Derrida, Robert Anton Wilson, quantum physics, and the general post-modern relativism that has replaced critical thinking and objective analysis.
September 30, 2007 12:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Asking "who is J. Grabbe" is a bit like asking "who is John Galt"!
I don't know the individual personally, but I've learned quite a bit from him over the last thirteen years on the 'net.
Not necessarily only directly from his writings, but also from the content on the other side of the interesting links he's collected and posted with such high temporal density at his site.
At times I believed it to be maintained by more than one individual; seemingly humanly impossible to digest all of the provided materiel. Finally I realized that one could choose their own stream of consciousness to explore, or that of J. Orlin Grabbe.
Sadly, I turned away from the torrent,
as the 'net is anathema to deep thought, and as wide and broad as the sharp minds o' the 'net have made my world, only one can give it any depth.
November 6, 2007 3:27 AM
Anonymous said...
Orlin Grabbe died in Costa Rica (apparently of a heart attack) in April 2008. I had not spoken with him in several years, but a mutual friend informed me of his death.
April 28, 2008 4:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Orlin's site has been still since March and today when I went to his site, it read, "We are sorry to inform you that James Orlin Grabbe passed away in his home in Costa Rica on March 15th, 2008.
He will be missed, Godspeed Orlin."
May 24, 2008 1:14 PM
sealane said...
Orlin passed away at his home near San Jose, COSTA RICA on March 15 from a congestive heart failure. Orlin earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard in 1981, and was a Professor of Finance at the Wharton Business School in Philadelphia for 5 years, which culminated in the publication of International Financial Markets in 1986. The same year he co-founded FX Systems which produced option strategies for many client companies. Later in 1993 he founded Kalliste, which produced CDs, plays, and the 1996 movie "Siege at Ruby Ridge". He also
maintained websites which he linked to many of the articles he prolifically wrote.
A previous commenter described Orlin as growing up in West Texas as the youngest of 3 brothers. Actually, there were
4 of us, and I was the youngest. Orlin was
3.5 years older. Anyone interested in my
website can view it at .
Crockett Grabbe
May 28, 2008 1:33 PM
sealane said...
Orlin passed away at his home near San Jose, COSTA RICA on March 15 from a congestive heart failure. Orlin earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard in 1981, and was a Professor of Finance at the Wharton Business School in Philadelphia for 5 years, which culminated in the publication of International Financial Markets in 1986. The same year he co-founded FX Systems which produced option strategies for many client companies. Later in 1993 he founded Kalliste, which produced CDs, plays, and the 1996 movie "Siege at Ruby Ridge". He also
maintained websites which he linked to many of the articles he prolifically wrote.
A previous commenter described Orlin as growing up in West Texas as the youngest of 3 brothers. Actually, there were
4 of us, and I was the youngest. Orlin was
3.5 years older. Anyone interested in my
website can view it at .
Crockett Grabbe
May 28, 2008 1:34 PM
Cem Eraslan said...
For me he is an expert of the alternative views on finance, he will sadly be missed... :(
May 29, 2008 6:55 AM
Anonymous said...
According to his web site he's dead now.
June 11, 2008 4:14 AM
Anonymous said...
I read in the late 1980's his book on international finance - by far the best book on this subject at that time. I got curious and followed since then his website. Among the papers published there, I found the chapters on gold options illuminating. I was hoping for more, but unfortunately, his interests turned to other subjects which I was not that much interested in. Overall, Orlin was a highly remarkable individual. With his passing, the internet lost one of the most interesting websites around.
Robert S.
June 17, 2008 5:38 PM
rammy said...
J. Orlin's website had some great info on speculation, the dot com disaster, and the current subprime disaster. I been reading his site since around 1995-96. I didn't agree with his politics, I am a Zionist and don't like Moslem Arabs like the Saudis but his models on chaos were awesome and his links were too. Nice looking models too! Only a prof I had a class with once, the socialist University of Ottawa prof Michel Chossudovsky's Global Research had as good a site. If you want to get info on the financial meltdown and not rely on media like the NY Times, Orlin's and Prof. Chossudovsky are the best.
June 23, 2008 11:52 AM
rammy said...
Oh wow I don't want to be anonymous, "Rammy" is me Ramesh J. Fernando. I really do advice people to visit if you are a fan of J. Orlin Grabbe
June 23, 2008 12:22 PM
Anonymous said...
I discovered JOG's site some years ago while researching Jack Parsons. His incomplete novel about the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death was intriguing. I came back often hoping to find the conclusion, but stayed for the soft-core porn.
July 5, 2008 4:45 PM
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